학생, 동문, 교수진 및 교직원의 모든 경이로운 업적을 축하하는 최첨단 예술에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 모두에게 축하를 전하며 업적을 제출하는 것을 잊지 마십시오!

최첨단 기술에 실릴 성공 사례를 제출하려면 여기에서 업적 제출 양식을 작성하십시오.

온실의 추가 업적을 보려면 이 페이지를 방문하십시오.

  • OCSA 모의 재판 팀에게 축하를 보냅니다.
    0 1078 Like 0 people like this
    OCSA 모의 재판 팀에게 축하를 보냅니다.
    올해 오렌지 카운티 전역의 35개 이상의 팀과 경쟁하여 준결승에 진출한 OCSA 모의재판 팀원들에게 축하를 보냅니다. 초등부 대회 팀은 JSerra, Brea Olinda, Foothill, Santa Ana, Beckman, Yorba Linda를 상대로 승리했으며, 중등부 대회 팀은 Portola와 Mater Dei를 물리쳤습니다.

    초등부 팀:
    소피아 아비에라(ACT, '24)
    스루티 알레(CV, '21)
    캐서린 볼랜드(IA, '24)
    샬롯 브랜드만(MT, '23)
    라일리 브라이언트(FTV, '21)
    에드워드 첸(IA, '24)
    가브리엘 첸(PM, '22)
    에단 그레이(ACT, '22)
    사샤 헤르헬(ACT, '23)
    애슐리 호지(IA, '23)
    멜라니 후크(CW, '21)
    토비 이젠버그(CW, '23)
    Milo Karnes (IA, '24)
    Emma Kay (ACT, '23)
    Regan Mading (IA, '23)
    Mehra Marzbani (ACT, '23)
    Morgan Milam (IM, '24)
    Gaby Mikhail (CW, '21)
    데이지 노(IA, '22)
    제스 페레즈(ACT, '21)
    파리 라세스-페레즈(ACT, '21)
    콜린 루트(ACT, '22)
    조슬린 왕(PM, '23)

    세컨더리 팀:
    Ally Artavia-High (CW, '24)
    Zabby Bagnol (PD, '24)
    Daniel Grossgold (IA, '24)
    McKenna Guldner (IA, '24)
    Courtney Hines (CW, '24)
    Darian Hojreh (CAH, '22)
    Claire Karr (VA, '23)
    Annabelle Kim (CW, '23)
    Emily Kim (CW, '24)
    Nathaniel Kim (DM, '22)
    Sky Lu (IA, '23)
    Kendall Phanco (VA, '23)
    Mia Rinaldi (PM, '23)
    Aryan Simhadri (ACT, '24)
    Elora Sparnicht (CW, '23)
    Luke Stark (IA, '24)
  • Sammie Gee was recognized for culinary excellence
    0 860 Like 0 people like this
    Sammie Gee was recognized for culinary excellence
    Sammie Gee (CAH, ‘24) was recognized for culinary excellence, artistry, presentation, and service for original handcrafted hors d'oeuvres at OC Wonderland.
  • Students place in California Restaurant Foundation’s Prostart Cup Competition
    0 863 Like 0 people like this
    Students place in California Restaurant Foundation’s Prostart Cup Competition
    The following students placed in the California Restaurant Foundation’s Prostart Cup Competition and competed against 27 other high schools and 194 students.

    Wienerschnitzel's Dress Your Dog Competition
    1st place: Madison "Star" Lu (CAH, ‘22)
    2nd place: Naya Garg (CAH, ‘24)

    Taco Throwdown
    2nd place: Naya Garg (CAH, ‘24)

    Cupcake Bake-Off
    2nd place: Natalie Dixon (CAH, ‘22)

    Create + Curate: Original Menu
    1st place: Isabella Vegh (CAH, ‘21)

    Branding Challenge: Logo + Marketing
    1st place: Isabella Vegh (CAH, ‘21)
    3rd place: Madison "Star" Lu (CAH, ‘22)

    Design Challenge: Floorplan + Decor
    1st place: Isabella Vegh (CAH, ‘21)
    2nd place: Madison "Star" Lu (CAH, ‘22)
  • OCSA는 Niche에서 3년 연속 캘리포니아 최고의 차터 고등학교 1위로 선정되었습니다.
    0 848 Like 0 people like this
    OCSA는 Niche에서 3년 연속 캘리포니아 최고의 차터 고등학교 1위로 선정되었습니다.
    오렌지 카운티 예술학교(OCSA)는 Niche에서 3년 연속 캘리포니아 최고의 차터 고등학교 1위, 2022년 미국 최고의 차터 고등학교 6위로 선정되었습니다! OCSA를 계속해서 뛰어난 기관으로 만들어 주신 모든 학생, 교사, 교직원 여러분께 감사의 말씀을 전합니다. OCSA의 모든 순위를 보려면 다음을 방문하세요: https://bit.ly/3D8R02u
  • OCSA VEX 로봇 팀은 VEX OC 로보 보난자에서 심사위원상을 수상했습니다.
    0 874 Like 0 people like this
    OCSA VEX 로봇 팀은 VEX OC 로보 보난자에서 심사위원상을 수상했습니다.
    OCSA VEX 로보틱스 팀은 베크만 고등학교가 주최한 VEX OC 로보 보난자에서 열린 첫 토너먼트에 참가하여 심사위원상을 수상했습니다. 토너먼트에 참가한 학생은 다음과 같습니다.

    조수민 (IM, '24)
    비비안 호 (IA, '22)
    저스틴 홍 (IM, '24)
    첼시 리 (버지니아, '23)
    카라 신 (IM, '23)
    제프리 타데오 (IA, '21)
    라이언 유 (CAH, '24)
  • Mekjian Culinary Arts & Hospitality Conservatory의 OCSA 학생들은 MaxLove Project Farm to Fork Dinner at Tanaka Farms에 초대되었습니다.
    0 783 Like 0 people like this
    Mekjian Culinary Arts & Hospitality Conservatory의 OCSA 학생들은 MaxLove Project Farm to Fork Dinner at Tanaka Farms에 초대되었습니다.
    Mekjian Culinary Arts & Hospitality Conservatory의 다음 학생들은 소아암 퇴치를위한 기금 마련 인 Tanaka Farms의 MaxLove Project Farm to Fork Dinner에 초대되었습니다.

    마리 아칼린 (CAH, '24)
    알렉시스 아르비주 (CAH, '24)
    린제이 배 (CAH, '23)
    오렐리아 캐리 (CAH, '23)
    장동원 (CAH, '23)
    아벨린 쇼슈로 (CAH, '22)
    헤이즐 시우포 (CAH, '24)
    란나 게일 (CAH, '23)
    나야 가그 (CAH, '24)
    사만다 지 (CAH, '24)
    김하 (CAH, '24)
    다리안 호즈레 (CAH, '22)
    메간 휴즈 (CAH, '24)
    샘 존슨 (CAH, '22)
    사무엘 레이븐 (CAH, '23)
    렉시 레인 (CAH, '24)
    브리 루 (CAH, '23)
    매디슨 (스타) 루 (CAH, '22)
    카일리 닐슨 (CAH, '23)
    미아 옥타비오 (CAH, '23)
    라이언 오카지마 (CAH, '23)
    킴 페이지 (CAH, '22)
    노가 라즈 (CAH, '24)
    브리에아나 사마니에고 (CAH, '24)
    티라 스미스 (CAH, '24)
    조던 스펜스 (CAH, '24)
    에블린 우 (CAH, '23)
  • OCSA 역사 교사 라나 사왈하가 로웰 밀켄 센터의 무명 영웅 펠로우십을 수상했습니다.
    0 789 Like 0 people like this
    OCSA 역사 교사 라나 사왈하가 로웰 밀켄 센터의 무명 영웅 펠로우십을 수상했습니다.
    OCSA 역사 교사 라나 사왈하가 캔자스주 스콧에 있는 로웰 밀켄 센터의 무명 영웅 펠로우십을 수상했습니다. 이 펠로우십은 프로젝트 기반 학습을 통해 이해와 존중을 가르치는 데 두각을 나타낸 교육자에게 매년 수여됩니다.
  • 오렌지 카운티 예술 학교는 최근 틈새 순위에 관한 KTLA 기사에 실렸습니다.
    0 767 좋아요 0명이 좋아요
    오렌지 카운티 예술 학교는 최근 틈새 순위에 관한 KTLA 기사에 실렸습니다.
    오렌지 카운티 예술 학교는 KTLA의 최근 틈새 시장 순위에 대해 3 년 연속 캘리포니아에서 #1 최고의 차터 고등학교와 6 년 미국 최고의 차터 고등학교 #2022에 대한 기사에 소개되었습니다. 전체 기사를 읽으려면 다음을 방문하십시오 : https://bit.ly/3Iy3N1k
  • Cole Schulein은 가정 폭력 보호소 인 WISEPlace에서 35 명의 여성을위한 완전한 식사를 요리했습니다.
    0 769 좋아요 0명이 좋아요
    Cole Schulein은 가정 폭력 보호소 인 WISEPlace에서 35 명의 여성을위한 완전한 식사를 요리했습니다.
    Cole Schulein (CAH, '25)은 Mitzvah 프로젝트를 위해 가정 폭력 보호소 인 WISEPlace에서 35 명의 여성을위한 완전한 식사를 요리했습니다.
  • 선택 및 음악원 강사 Cameron Shim은 레벨 1 교육 인증을 받았습니다.
    0 764 좋아요 0명이 좋아요
    선택 및 음악원 강사 Cameron Shim은 레벨 1 교육 인증을 받았습니다.
    선택 및 음악원 강사 Cameron Shim은 공중 체격에서 공중 실크에 대한 레벨 1 교육 인증을 받았습니다.
  • 2022 CA 프로스타트 컵에 출전할 요리 예술 및 호스피탈리티 학생 선발
    0 707 좋아요 0명이 좋아요
    2022 CA 프로스타트 컵에 출전할 요리 예술 및 호스피탈리티 학생 선발
    다음 요리 예술 및 접객업 학생들은 2022 CA ProStart Cup에서 경쟁하도록 선발되었습니다.

    요리 팀 :
    캡틴: 매디슨 (스타) 루(CAH, '22)
    오렐리아 캐리(CAH, '23)
    맥스 길버트(CAH, '22)
    라이언 오지마(CAH, '23)
    트리니티 와이드먼(CAH, '24)

    캡틴: 에블린 우(CAH, '23)
    라나 게일(CAH, '23)
    샘 라벤(CAH, '23)
    윌리 야오(CAH, '24)

    개인 경쟁자:
    메이슨 베어(CAH, '23)
  • 셰프 다니엘 마토스가 오렌지 카운티 레지스터의 기사에서 OCSA의 요리 스로우다운 대회에 대해 소개했습니다.
    0 701 좋아요 0명 좋아요
    셰프 다니엘 마토스가 오렌지 카운티 레지스터의 기사에서 OCSA의 요리 스로우다운 대회에 대해 소개했습니다.
    메지안 패밀리 컬리너리 아트 & 호스피탈리티 콘서바토리의 셰프 디렉터인 다니엘 마토스가 오렌지 카운티 레지스터의 기사에서 OCSA의 요리 스로우다운 대회에 대해 소개했습니다. 기사 전문은 다음 링크에서 확인하세요: https://bit.ly/3q7yWC3
  • OCSA 로봇 공학 팀은 2022년 남부 캘리포니아 VRC 고등학교 주 챔피언십에 출전했습니다.
    0 752 좋아요 0명이 좋아요
    OCSA 로봇 공학 팀은 2022년 남부 캘리포니아 VRC 고등학교 주 챔피언십에 출전했습니다.
    OCSA 로보틱스 팀은 데미안 고등학교에서 열린 2022년 남부 캘리포니아 VRC 고등학교 주 챔피언십에 출전하여 2022년 텍사스 댈러스에서 열리는 VEX 로보틱스 월드 챔피언십에 출전할 수 있는 기회를 얻었습니다.
  • 5명의 OCSA 학생이 2022년 드래곤 킴 펠로우로 선정되었으며 드래곤 킴 재단으로부터 $5,000의 지역 사회 봉사 보조금을 받았습니다.
    0 778 좋아요 0명이 좋아요
    5명의 OCSA 학생이 2022년 드래곤 킴 펠로우로 선정되었으며 드래곤 킴 재단으로부터 $5,000의 지역 사회 봉사 보조금을 받았습니다.
    다음 학생들은 2022 드래곤 킴 펠로우로 선정되어 드래곤 킴 재단으로부터 $ 5,000 지역 사회 봉사 보조금을 받았습니다. 이 학생들은 캘리포니아와 네바다 전역의 300 지원자 중에서 선발되었으며 엄격한 인터뷰 과정을 거쳐 펠로우 십을 받았습니다. 프로젝트 기금과 함께이 5 명의 학생들은 지역 비즈니스 전문가로부터 3 주말의 리더십 교육 및 실습 멘토링을 받게됩니다.
    교사 지원 + : 카밀라 발란 타 (CAH, '25) 및 사라 발란 타 (IA, '22)
    코딩 캠퍼: 테인 김(IM, '24), 애비 박(CW, '24), 조슈아 타(IM, '24)
  • OCSA VEX 로봇 팀은 지난 23경기에서 승리하고 23년 서던 캘리포니아 VRC 고등학교 스테이트 챔피언십에서 2022위를 차지했습니다.
    0 700 좋아요 좋아요 0명
    OCSA VEX 로봇 팀은 지난 23경기에서 승리하고 23년 서던 캘리포니아 VRC 고등학교 스테이트 챔피언십에서 2022위를 차지했습니다.
    OCSA VEX 로보틱스 팀은 지난 23경기에서 승리하고 2022년 서던 캘리포니아 VRC 고등학교 스테이트 챔피언십에서 2022위를 차지했습니다. 그들은 수백 개의 팀이 있는 남부 캘리포니아 지역에서 경쟁했으며 미국에서 가장 힘든 팀이라고 합니다. 다음 학생들은 팀의 일원이며 챔피언십에서 경쟁했습니다.

    조수민 (IM, '24)
    비비안 호 (IA, '22)
    저스틴 홍 (IM, '24)
    첼시 리 (버지니아, '23)
    카라 신 (IM, '23)
    제프리 타데오 (IA, '21)
    라이언 유 (CAH, '24)
  • OCSA students competed in the ProStart Cup Culinary Competition among the top 16 teams from Southern California and won multiple awards
    0 663 좋아요 0명이 좋아요
    OCSA students competed in the ProStart Cup Culinary Competition among the top 16 teams from Southern California and won multiple awards
    The following students competed in the ProStart Cup Culinary Competition among the top 16 teams from Southern California and received the following awards. The Management Team was also invited to the National ProStart Invitational in Washington, D.C. The following Culinary Arts & Hospitality students were additionally featured on Spectrum News 1 for their participation in the ProStart competition. To check out the full story, please visit: https://bit.ly/3uJ85O7

    First Place:

    Wienerschnitzel's Dress Your Dog Competition
    Mason Vair (CAH, ‘23)

    Management Competition
    Evelyn Wu (CAH, ‘23), Captain
    Lanna Gale (CAH, ‘23)
    Sam Laven (CAH, ‘23)
    Willie Yao (CAH, ‘24)

    Fourth Place:

    Culinary Competition
    Madison (Star) Lu (CAH, ‘22), Captain
    Aurelia Carrie (CAH, ‘23)
    Max Gilbert (CAH, ‘22)
    Ryan Okajima (CAH, ‘23)
    Trinity Wiideman (CAH, ‘24)
  • The Culinary Arts & Hospitality Conservatory was featured in an article by the Orange County Register regarding their recent Culinary Throwdown competition and benefit
    0 647 좋아요 0명이 좋아요
    The Culinary Arts & Hospitality Conservatory was featured in an article by the Orange County Register regarding their recent Culinary Throwdown competition and benefit
    The Culinary Arts & Hospitality Conservatory was featured in an article by the Orange County Register regarding their recent Culinary Throwdown competition and benefit. To read the full article, please visit: https://bit.ly/3ISJGul
  • 요리 예술 및 호스피탈리티 학생들은 워싱턴 DC에서 열린 전국 프로스타트 인비테이셔널에 참가하여 미국 전역의 상위 40개 경영팀과 경쟁하여 9위를 차지했습니다.
    0 544 Like 0 people like this
    요리 예술 및 호스피탈리티 학생들은 워싱턴 DC에서 열린 전국 프로스타트 인비테이셔널에 참가하여 미국 전역의 상위 40개 경영팀과 경쟁하여 9위를 차지했습니다.
    다음 학생들은 워싱턴 DC에서 열린 내셔널 프로스타트 인비테이셔널에 참가하여 미국 전역의 상위 40개 경영팀과 경쟁하여 9위를 차지했습니다.

    셰프 파올라 코스타, 코치
    에블린 우(CAH, '23), 주장
    라나 게일(CAH, '23)
    샘 라벤(CAH, '23)
    윌리 야오(CAH, '24)
  • Hannah MacDonald는 미국에서 가장 큰 식품 서비스 디자인 회사인 Jacobs Doland Beer의 프로젝트 코디네이터로 일하도록 선정되었습니다.
    0 596 Like 0 people like this
    Hannah MacDonald는 미국에서 가장 큰 식품 서비스 디자인 회사인 Jacobs Doland Beer의 프로젝트 코디네이터로 일하도록 선정되었습니다.
    Hannah MacDonald (CAH, '18)는 미국에서 가장 큰 식품 서비스 디자인 회사 인 Jacobs Doland Beer의 프로젝트 코디네이터로 일하도록 선정되었습니다.
  • Geena Meyhoefer was hired as the meetings & events manager at The Colonnade Hotel
    0 619 좋아요 0명이 좋아요
    Geena Meyhoefer was hired as the meetings & events manager at The Colonnade Hotel
    Geena Meyhoefer (CAH, ‘17) was hired as the meetings & events manager at The Colonnade Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts.
  • Katie Derr was recognized as one of UNLV's outstanding graduates, competed on UNLV’s Solar Decathlon team and opened Rebel Grounds, an environmentally friendly coffee shop
    0 581 좋아요 0명이 좋아요
    Katie Derr was recognized as one of UNLV's outstanding graduates, competed on UNLV’s Solar Decathlon team and opened Rebel Grounds, an environmentally friendly coffee shop
    Katie Derr (CAH, ‘16) was recognized as one of University of Nevada, Las Vegas’ (UNLV) outstanding graduates and competed on UNLV’s Solar Decathlon team where she was able to work on projects that educate people about sustainable sourcing and food waste. She also opened Rebel Grounds, an environmentally friendly coffee shop at UNLV. Katie was honored with Sigma Kappa Sorority’s 35 Under 35 Award, which recognizes 35 women under the age of 35 who are making a difference.
  • 다 예스 수, 이사벨라 베그, 맥케나 보이신은 2022년 캘리포니아 레스토랑 재단 장학금을 받았습니다.
    0 450좋아요 0명이 좋아합니다
    다 예스 수, 이사벨라 베그, 맥케나 보이신은 2022년 캘리포니아 레스토랑 재단 장학금을 받았습니다.
    Da yes Sue (CAH, '21), Isabella Vegh (CAH, '21) 및 Mckenna Voisin (CAH, '19)은 2022 캘리포니아 레스토랑 재단 장학금을 받았습니다.
  • Anaya Green was featured in a Daily Pilot article where she spoke about her battle with cancer, experience working with the MaxLove Project, and the CAH Conservatory
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    Anaya Green was featured in a Daily Pilot article where she spoke about her battle with cancer, experience working with the MaxLove Project, and the CAH Conservatory
    Anaya Green (CAH, ‘26) was featured in a Daily Pilot article where she spoke about her battle with cancer, experience working with the MaxLove Project, and The Mekjian Family Culinary Arts & Hospitality Conservatory. To read the full article, please visit: https://bit.ly/41FGYlf
  • OCSA students competed in the California Restaurant Foundation’s 2023 ProStart Cup and received awards
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    OCSA students competed in the California Restaurant Foundation’s 2023 ProStart Cup and received awards
    The following students competed in the California Restaurant Foundation’s 2023 ProStart Cup and received the following awards. The Culinary Team was also invited to the National ProStart Invitational in Washington, D.C. The following Culinary Arts & Hospitality students were additionally featured in an article by the Los Angeles Times Daily Pilot for their participation in the ProStart competition. To check out the full story, please visit: https://bit.ly/3WcAQ2U
    Wienerschnitzel's Dress Your Dog Competition – First Place
    Ryan Yoo (CAH, ‘25)

    Loaded Idaho Baked Potato Competition – First Place
    Trinity Wiideman (CAH, ‘24)

    Culinary Competition – First Place
    Aurelia Carrie (CAH, ‘23): Co-Captain
    Ryan Okajima (CAH, ‘23): Co-Captain
    Hannah Dromgoole (CAH, ‘25)
    Christian Lopez (CAH, ‘23)
    Trinity Wiideman (CAH, ‘24)

    Management Competition – Second Place
    Evelyn Wu (CAH, ‘23): Co-Captain
    Willie Yao (CAH, ‘24): Co-Captain
    Lanna Gale (CAH, ‘23)
    Brieana Samaniego (CAH, ‘24)
  • Hailey Heren was featured in the OC Register highlighting her record-breaking Girl Scout cookie sales
    0 381 Like 0 people like this
    Hailey Heren was featured in the OC Register highlighting her record-breaking Girl Scout cookie sales
    Hailey Heren (CAH, ‘25) was featured in an article by the Orange County Register highlighting her record-breaking Girl Scout cookie sales. To read the full article, please visit: https://bit.ly/3My2kNk
  • Members of the OCSA Robotics Team were invited to compete at the One World Showcase Event at University of California, Berkeley
    0 282좋아요 0명이 좋아합니다
    Members of the OCSA Robotics Team were invited to compete at the One World Showcase Event at University of California, Berkeley
    Members of the OCSA Robotics Team were invited to compete at the One World Showcase Event at University of California, Berkeley. Five teams from OCSA competed against 115 other teams from around the country. One of the five teams, Z Squared, was composed of Olivia Lee (VA, ‘25), Sunny Li (IM, ‘24), and Samantha Park (IA, ‘25), making them one of the less than 5% of teams that were made of all female members. Z Squared placed 7th out of 115 in only their second year of robotics. Below is the full list of the OCSA students who participated in the One World Showcase Event.

    Shining Chen (CW, ‘26)
    Sumin Cho (IM, ‘25)
    Evan Choe (VA, ‘25)
    Rhea Dayal (VA, ‘28)
    Juneau Foxlin (IM, ‘26)
    Justin Hong (IM, ‘25)
    Peyton Hsu (AE, ‘27)
    Jason Lee (IM, ‘27)
    Olivia Lee (VA, ‘25)
    Sunny Li (IM, ‘24)
    Edward Luna (IM, ‘24)
    Danny O’Grady (IM, ‘24)
    Samantha Park (IA, ‘25)
    Taven Rong (IM, ‘28)
    Paul Seo (DM, ‘26)
    Kaya Simsek (CAH, ‘26)
    Kara Syn (IM, ‘24)
    George Weichel (PD, ‘27)
    Ryan Yoo (CAH, ‘25)
    Beatrice Yu (PM, ‘28)
    Jojo Yu (CMD, ‘25)
  • Christian Lopez won the Aaron Sanchez Scholarship through the Emeril Lagasse Foundation
    0 273좋아요 0명이 좋아합니다
    Christian Lopez won the Aaron Sanchez Scholarship through the Emeril Lagasse Foundation
    Christian Lopez (CAH, ‘23) won the Aaron Sanchez Scholarship through the Emeril Lagasse Foundation. The opportunity includes full tuition to a Culinary Certificate Program at New Orleans Culinary & Hospitality Institute (NOCHI), as well as an internship with paid housing, food and travel stipends, and mentorship from Chef Aaron Sanchez and other star chefs.
  • The Mekjian Family Culinary Arts & Hospitality took part in the CA Restaurant Foundation’s 2024 CA ProStart Cup presented by Wienerschnitzel – a culinary arts and restaurant entrepreneurship competition
    0 45 Like 0 people like this
    The Mekjian Family Culinary Arts & Hospitality took part in the CA Restaurant Foundation’s 2024 CA ProStart Cup presented by Wienerschnitzel – a culinary arts and restaurant entrepreneurship competition
    The Mekjian Family Culinary Arts & Hospitality (CAH) took part in the California Restaurant Foundation’s 2024 CA ProStart Cup presented by Wienerschnitzel – a culinary arts and restaurant entrepreneurship competition held at the Long Beach Convention Center. Listed below are the CAH students who participated in the events. Students from First to Fifth Place teams were awarded a variety of scholarships from colleges across the nation.

    Culinary Team - 2nd Place, BJ’s Restaurants Culinary Cup
    Cooked a three-course meal, featuring seared halibut with sea buckthorn berry sauce, five spice maple duck breast, and chocolate bliss with matcha custard and mango puree
    Mia Horiguchi (CAH, ‘26)
    Stella Mulholland (CAH, ‘26)
    Jaren Tseng (CAH, ‘25)
    Trinity Wiideman (CAH, ‘24) - Captain

    Management Team - 1st Place, BJ’s Restaurants Management Cup
    Conceptualized a college sports-themed restaurant, Teddy’s – serving breakfast all day
    Emily Leo (CAH, ‘25)
    Max Madsen (CAH, ‘26)
    Tira Smith (CAH, ‘24) - Captain
    Cynthia Zhou (CAH, ‘26)

    Individual - Wienerschnitzel’s “Dress Your Dog” Hot Dog Topping Competition
    Camila Acevedo (CAH, ‘27)
    Declan Davey (CAH, ‘27)

    Individual - Loaded Idaho Baked Potato Competition
    Dani Park (CAH, ‘27)
    Scarlett Schmitt (CAH, ‘27) - 2nd Place

    ProStart Executive Mentor Program Winner
    Received a one-year mentorship with a restaurant executive and a scholarship for Blanchard Institute’s Student Self Leadership Training
    Jaren Tseng (CAH, ‘25)
  • OCSA students attended the National History Day Awards Ceremony
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    OCSA students attended the National History Day Awards Ceremony
    The following students attended the National History Day (NHD) Awards Ceremony. Five students advanced to State and were given the opportunity to compete in Sacramento with nearly 1,600 other talented students nationwide. Samantha Bailey (VA, ‘26) and Emily Yi (VA, ‘26) won the National Qualifier for their research, titled “Nauseating a Nation: How the Jungle Turned the Stomach of America Into Legislation,” and will represent California in the National Championships at the University of Maryland.

    Advanced to Nationals
    Samantha Bailey (VA, ‘26)
    Emily Yi (VA, ‘26)

    Advanced to State
    Samantha Bailey (VA, ‘26)
    Jamie Jung (CW, ‘24)
    Aarav Putrevu (CAH, ‘26)
    Julianne Wu (DM, ‘27)
    Emily Yi (VA, ‘26)

    Runner Ups
    Harlo Cozzens (ACT, ‘25)
    Harah Lee (VA, ‘26)
  • Emily Leo, Max Madsen, Tira Smith, and Cynthia Zhou were crowned 2024 National Restaurant ProStart Invitational Champions
    0 56 Like 0 people like this
    Emily Leo, Max Madsen, Tira Smith, and Cynthia Zhou were crowned 2024 National Restaurant ProStart Invitational Champions
    Emily Leo (CAH, ‘25), Max Madsen (CAH, ‘26), Tira Smith (CAH, ‘24), and Cynthia Zhou (CAH, ‘26) were crowned 2024 National Restaurant ProStart Invitational Champions in Baltimore, Maryland. They were coached by Chefs Paola Costa (Conservatory Instructor) and Daniel Mattos (Conservatory Director). The restaurant management team went up against 48 other teams from across the country and presented the winning concept of Teddy’s – a sports-centered restaurant that serves breakfast all day. Each member earned $10,000 worth of scholarships from Nationals, including other prizes such as books, journals, cutting boards, Yetis, and more. The event was also covered in an article by “Restaurant Business”, which can be read by visiting: https://bit.ly/3VeOB0T
  • OCSA Taekwondo students successfully tested to higher level belts in April
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    OCSA Taekwondo students successfully tested to higher level belts in April
    The following OCSA Taekwondo students successfully tested to higher level belts in April. Spearheaded by 8th degree black beIt Stephen Amsler (Elective Teacher), it was the largest graduation to date of OCSA students.

    3rd Degree Black Belt
    Chili Sloop (VA, ‘24)
    Luke Stark (FTV, ‘24)

    2nd Degree Black Belt
    Jenna Ho (VA, ‘26)
    John Kuli (ACT, ‘26)
    Nikun Liu (CV, ‘26)
    Eleazar Reiner (CW, ‘26)
    Luke Sakurai (IM, ‘26)

    1st Degree Black Belt
    Milan Albert-Holty (CW, ‘25)
    Roman Elson (ACT, ‘26)
    Grace Fleischmann (VA, ‘25)
    Jaya Gandhi (CW, ‘25)
    Tristan Gude (ACT, ‘26)
    Carissa Hahn (IM, ‘27)
    Yein Han (CW, ‘25)
    Ksena Eve Jenkins (IA, ‘26)
    Micah Kay (PD, ‘26)
    Brendan Knox (PM, ‘25)
    Ruby Lau (CW, ‘27)
    Alana Liang (CV, ‘26)
    Emma Nevell (PM, ‘27)
    Erica Park (FTV, ‘27)
    Nino Raimondo (IA, ‘27)
    Cole Schulein (CAH, ‘25)
    Thomas Song (IM, ‘25)
    Dylan Spence (VA, ‘26)
    Amina Straughn (VA, ‘27)
  • OCSA students raised over $30,000 for Maui Wildfire victims by volunteering and sharing their talents at the Music for Maui Benefit Concert and Pop-up Events
    0 60 Like 0 people like this
    OCSA students raised over $30,000 for Maui Wildfire victims by volunteering and sharing their talents at the Music for Maui Benefit Concert and Pop-up Events
    The following OCSA students, representing 13 conservatories, raised over $30,000 for Maui Wildfire victims by volunteering and sharing their talents at the Music for Maui Benefit Concert and Pop-up Events.

    Ella Mortensen (CV, ‘25)
    Leah Navarro (CV, ‘26)
    Elysse Nguyen (MT, ‘26)
    Saya Nishimura (IM, ‘26)
    Kai Orozco (JS, ‘26)
    Alec Ortega-Fosado (CV, ‘25)
    Caroline Risk (VA, ‘26)
    Xavier Saenze (PM, ‘29)
    Zaid Salazar (CV, ‘26)
    Viveka Saravanan (CV, ‘24)
    Haley Scott (CW, ‘26)
    Nikki Smith (CV, ‘25)
    Teresa Smith (MT ‘26)
    Adam Strychaz (CAH, ‘26)
    Heather Torres-Cancino (BR, ‘26)
    Alessandra Venegas (CAH, ‘26)
    Sophia Vernon (MT, ‘26)
    Lavinia Watkins (CV, ‘26)
    Aniya Wilkins (ACT, ‘26)
    James Williams (BR, ‘26)
    Jack Wilson (CV, ‘25)
    Paxton Wong (CV, ‘25)
    Cynthia Zhang (BR, ‘27)
  • OCSA students were recipients of the 2024 Dragon Kim Foundation Fellowship
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    OCSA students were recipients of the 2024 Dragon Kim Foundation Fellowship
    The following OCSA students were recipients of the 2024 Dragon Kim Foundation Fellowship. The Dragon Kim Fellowship program includes six months of training, mentorship, and hands-on leadership to help students launch community-changing project ideas from start to finish. Some OCSA students worked together for their projects, while some worked alongside students from other schools. See below for the project names and their OCSA fellows.

    Community Canvas
    Luke Shin (VA, ‘25)
    Olivia Yun (VA, ‘25)

    Vedant Dayal (CW, ‘25)
    Ashima Sharma (CW, ‘25)

    Little Steps
    Samantha Bailey (VA, ‘26)
    Maiya Leung (DM, ‘26)
    Emily Yi (VA, ‘26)

    Ava Villacorta (MT, ‘27)

    Meal Mentors
    Elizabeth Bancroft (BR, ‘26)
    Stella Mulholland (CAH, ‘26)
    Talia Rosenblatt (AE, ‘26)

    The Joy of Dance
    Aaron Chang (CMD, ‘26)
    Devin Vo (IA, ‘25)
  • OCSA students raised over $30,000 for Maui Wildfire victims by volunteering and sharing their talents at the Music for Maui Benefit Concert and Pop-up Events
    0 53 Like 0 people like this
    OCSA students raised over $30,000 for Maui Wildfire victims by volunteering and sharing their talents at the Music for Maui Benefit Concert and Pop-up Events
    The following OCSA students, representing 13 conservatories, raised over $30,000 for Maui Wildfire victims by volunteering and sharing their talents at the Music for Maui Benefit Concert and Pop-up Events.

    Katie Baker (IM, ‘25)
    Carleigh Beckner (CV, ‘26)
    Hank Braverman (PM, ‘26)
    Olivia Bullock (CV, ‘26)
    Natalia Campos (ACT, ‘27)
    Natalia Caraveo (CV ‘25)
    Tiffany Carr (CV, ‘26)
    Cosi Chekardzhikov (BR, ‘25)
    Trent Chickering (PM, ‘26)
    Grant Conroy (CV, ‘25)
    Ashwin Desai (PM, ‘26)
    Kira Efimenko (DM, ‘26)
    Hayden Ficht (PD, ‘25)
    Caitlin Francisco (PM, ‘25)
    Gianna Gourley (MT, ‘27)
    Reese Guenther-Clark (CV, ‘27)
    Evani Gulati (MT, ‘26)
    Julian Gwin (MT, ‘26)
    Claire Harmsen (PM, ‘26)
    Hanna Heger (CW, ‘26)
    Matthew Henderson (CV, ‘25)
    Zane Hermann (PM, ‘25)
    Lucy Hunter (FTV, ‘26)
    Sky Keyoung (CV, ‘25)
    Alyssa Kim (MT, ‘26)
    Avni Krishnamoorthy (PM, ‘26)
    Emma Ladisky (MT, ‘26)
    Ayn Liu (CAH, ‘26)
    David Liu (CAH, ‘25)
    Liam Majerus (BR, ‘27)
    Sydney Malone (CV, ‘26)
    Rylee Miyoshi (BR, ‘28)
    Paige Morgan (CV, ‘25)