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Zoe McCuen (‘19) received a blue ribbon for her oil painting and a red ribbon for her watercolor painting at the Orange County Fair.


Ethan Leung (DM, ‘23) was accepted to the California State Summer School for the Arts (CSSSA) for animation.

Zoe McCuen (DM, ‘19) illustrated the book Kid and the Magic Orb, which is now available on Amazon. Zoe was also featured in an article on the CalArts blog.

To read the article, please click eh

런던 산 루이스 (DM, '23)와 그레이스 조 (VA, '22)가 반스 커스텀 슈 콘테스트에서 상위 50위 안에 들었습니다. 이 콘테스트는 고등학생들이 예술과 디자인을 통해 창의력을 발휘할 수 있도록 영감을 주고 권한을 부여하고 예술 교육 예산 감소에 주의를 기울이기 위해 만들어졌습니다. 우승 한 디자인은 OCSA가 캠퍼스에 새로운 컴퓨터 실을 짓고 장비를 갖추는 데 사용할 $ 50,000를 받게됩니다.

Patrick Williams, Director of Design & Media, forged a partnership with HyperX to support and encourage the growth of the Esports program at OCSA. HyperX donated gaming peripherals like keyboards, mice, mousepads, and headsets. OCSA students will now have access to cutting-edge technology to aid them as they compete against other schools. To read the official press release, please visit http://bwnews.pr/3vvpHg2