ACT & SAT Practice Tests

OCSA Counselors recommend that all Sophomores (Grade 10) and Juniors (Grade 11) take the practice ACT (PreACT) and SAT (PSAT) exams in order to identify which one they prefer and/or perform better on. These exams are only offered to students in grades 10 and 11.

OCSA offers practice exams for the PreACT and PSAT individually in the fall.  Score reports from these exams are distributed to students in January. Students and parents are encouraged to attend our annual Score­Pass­Back Night at that time. To register for a practice test here at OCSA, please register on MySchoolBucks.

ACT & SAT: College Entrance Exams

OCSA Counselors recommend that all Grade 11 students take their first “real” test of their choice (ACT or SAT) during the spring of their junior year. This gives them the most time and exposure to their academic curriculum and also gives them time to get their scores back before going into senior year. Please note, the last time to sit for either the ACT or SAT is the December test date of senior year.

To register for an official ACT or SAT (off-campus), please visit the official testing websites. *Please note, OCSA is not a testing site for the official ACT or SAT.

Advanced Placement (AP) Exams

OCSA Counselors recommend that students take the AP exam(s) in May for any AP course(s) that they have completed at OCSA. More information regarding AP classes and exams can be found here