People Supporting OCSA (PSO) provides an opportunity for parents to stay connected to what's happening at OCSA, while maximizing the school experience for all OCSA students. PSO further strengthens the bonds of communication within our school community and promotes cooperation between family and school in meeting the needs of our students. Over the past several years, PSO has given more than $210,000 back to OCSA in support of school-wide initiatives.
The mission of PSO is to help provide a time and process for collaboration and sharing between parents, students, teachers, and staff; help provide resources to the school in order to further enhance students' academic, artistic, physical, and emotional growth; help organize OCSA parents for volunteer efforts and keep them informed; and help solicit parent input into decision making on school policies.
If you are an OCSA parent or guardian, your voice belongs in the PSO. Please e-mail with any questions!